Welcome to Salem Baptist Church

Seeking-We seek not only the lost but we seek those who hunger for God. We take advantage of opportunities that God provides for us to be evangelistic whether it's at home, with family, at the ball park with friends, at work or at church. We pray we would always look for opportunities to share Christ.
Sharing-In looking for opportunities to be evangelistic we find it much easier to share Christ when we have confidence. We are called to share our faith. We share our JOY, our LOVE and our RESOURCES. We share "the" Christ in us. (the Christ in us comes from disciplining God's children. The more God's children have the more they are able to share).
Serving- The more we disciple the closer both parties come to Christ in their relationships. Both the giver and receiver benefit. Serving allows for members to identify God's gifts and then channel those gifts to Serve God. The results of using our gifts in service will provide excitement, confidence and purpose.

Salem Baptist Church Mission Statement

"Under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, acknowledge God the Father as Creator and Sustainer of all things, we are a Church united by Christ in His death as well as His resurrection. We are a fellowship of believers responding to the Great Commission as set forth by Christ Himself. We seek to proclaim the faithfulness of God, to promote spiritual growth, to foster unity and fellowship, to call, equip and support leaders, and to extend the call of evangelism to all parts of the world. Our core doctrines are defined by the Holy Scriptures believing them to be without error, authoritative and authored by the very breath of God. Our existence as the body of Christ is dependent upon the nature of and will of God the Father. It is He, along with His Son Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit who is exalted, worshiped, glorified and honored in all that we do."

Join Us This Weekend!

5286 Old State Road (Highway 710) Brandenburg, KY

We would be honored to have you and your family join us. You don't have to be perfect, none of us are, so come as you are. No need to dress up, just come and visit. There is something for everyone here at Salem Baptist Church.

Sunday School


10:00 am

Worship Service


11:00 am

Sunday Night Service


6:00 pm

Prayer Meeting


6:00 pm

Upcoming Events

To stay up to date with all that’s happening during this season, click on the link below

Find out about our Children's Ministry
We offer a variety of Adult Ministries
Under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, acknowledge God the Father as Creator and Sustainer of all things, we are a Church united by Christ in His death as well as His resurrection.
Our Mission

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